What does importing to Bing Ads in Facebook do?

Please note that the list below is not a complete list of import programs.MicrosoftAdvertisingCompany has imported all the data needed to manage your campaigns, designed to provide you with the best possible experience.

After importing a campaign from Facebook Ads, you can check the import status, view error logs, and edit, pause, or delete your import program. Not all information can be imported from Facebook Ads, but that doesn’t mean Microsoft Ads doesn’t support it. You should also make sure campaigns are importing as expected and then update them as needed.

During the import process, there are a few special circumstances that require special instructions Be sure to review the following details before proceeding with importing ad campaigns directly from Facebook Ads. Ad Campaigns While Facebook Ads imports are global, we only import where there are audience campaigns. Facebook Ads campaigns will be imported into Microsoft Ads as audience campaigns. We will import Active, Suspended, Deleted and Archived Facebook Ad campaigns. If the status of a Facebook ad campaign is archived, we will pause the imported campaign.

Each Microsoft Ads campaign can contain up to 128 characters, and Facebook Ads campaign names can be longer. If the campaign name is longer than 128 characters, we will truncate the name and follow the naming pattern below. Each Facebook campaign name will be imported as {Facebook campaign name} separator (hyphen) FB {Facebook campaign ID}. For example, if the original campaign name is “Subscribe and Save. Buy X, Get Y” for 20% off, campaign is2345678910. then Microsoft ads will be imported into the campaign named “Subscribe and Save”. Buy X get Y-FB2345678910”.

Ad Group Name The Ads ad set is imported into the Microsoft ads group. Once imported, the Microsoftads ad group names will use the same delimiter pattern as the imported campaign names. Each FacebookAds ad set name will be imported as {FacebookAds Ad Set Name} separator (hyphen) FB {FacebookAds Ad Set ID}. For example, if the original ad group name is “Subscribe and Save. Buy X, Get Y” with 20% discount, the ad set ID is 2345678910. then the imported ad set name will be saved in Microsoftads as “Subscribe and Save”. Buy X get Y-FB2345678910”.

Individual image ads and video ads under the video view targeting will be imported from Facebook Ads to Microsoft Ads as Audience Ads. Be sure to review the details below before continuing to import ad campaigns directly from Facebook Ads. Other ad formats, such as carousel and video ads, are not listed under video view targeting. Ads with logo images Ads without URLs Facebook Ads ad names Budget Facebook Ads supports budgets at the campaign and ad set (ad group) level, but Microsoft Ads does not support budgets at the ad group level. The daily budget, if any, will be shifted as it is at the ad campaign level.

If your Facebook Ads lifetime budget uses start and stop dates, we will calculate the daily budget and prorate it by day. If the remaining budget is zero, the campaign will not be imported. Campaigns with a shared budget will not be imported. Time Management If the Facebook ad campaign has a start time and an end time, Microsoft Ads will import them.

If the end time is in the past, the campaign will be imported as a pause. If the start time is in the past, the start date will be set as the import date. and bidding strategies. Ads supports automatic bidding strategies such as lowest cost with no cap, lowest cost with bid cap, target cost, and cost cap. If Microsoft Ads does not support bidding strategies for Facebook Ads, we will set the bidding strategy for imported campaigns to manual CPC. Bid amounts are imported when available.

If the bid is not available, the default bid will be set to $1. Position We will import positions from Facebook ads that are also supported by Microsoftadvertising. If Microsoftadvertising does not support the imported location targeting, the campaign or ad group will be suspended. Age Orientation Facebook ads use minimum and maximum ages, while Microsoft ads have predefined ranges.

The age ranges for Facebook ads will be imported and mapped to the ranges for Microsoft ads. For example, if the age range for Facebook Precision Ads is 18-40, the import will set the target age ranges to 18-24, 25-34, and 35-49 and place the ads in Microsoft. Gender Orientation Gender will map to male and female accordingly. If All is selected in Facebook Precision Ads, Import will map to Male and Female in Microsoft Ads. Other Targeting Settings Language and connection targeting for Facebook ads will not be imported.